Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"The Lost Boys"

Today in Human Geo we watched a depressing video about the civil war in Sudan. During the video we heard stories from three boys named Panther, Daniel, and John. They were little when the war started and the managed to escape with all the other "Lost boys.” “The Lost boys” were the boys who were force to flee the country. Everyone else was killed in gruesome ways. At first the boys traveled to Ethiopia, but once things there started to go down they had to leave. After that they had a horrible journey to Kenya, where refugee camps would be set up for them. They had to travel through desserts, with no water or food. Once they arrived, they ended up spending 10 years there. In the camp, the boys were given an education. After they finished their schooling, there wasn't really anything left for them to do. Some of the boys, were given a chance to make it in America. They were flown over, and given jobs, and homes. We ended the video right before the boys started their journeys to America.    

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