Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quiz Time

We finished talking about population pyramids today. Mr. Schick showed us a few more examples like how some cities have a booming amount of people from 20-24 because of colleges. Some places like, South Dakota have reservations on them so they have a large amount of middle aged people, who are the Native Americans. Anyway, we got our quizzes back and our class did pretty bad. The other classes did a lot better than us. Mr. Schick says we need to be more proactive in class, which is probably true. So now, we have a quiz on the stuff we recently learned, this Friday. People are probably going to study more, so they don’t do as bad as last time. I’m not really sure what we are going to learn about in class tomorrow, but it will probably be in our quiz, so I’m going to good notes, and post it on my blog. Mr. Schick probably won’t let us use our blogs this time, but just in case.

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