Sunday, October 20, 2013

Where's Mr. Schick?

We had Human Geo first period on Friday and Mr. Schick never showed up. After about 15 minutes of waiting for him to come Jasmine and I went to the main office to tell them we didn’t have a teacher. They sent down a sub, who had us take an AP Human Geo test. The grade didn't count, but Mr. Schick just wanted to see what we knew. The test was easy in the beginning but got really challenging at the end. I didn’t have enough time to finish, but for questions I didn’t know, I just made an educated guess. I only knew about the stuff we recently learned.  Most of the questions were so random and I didn’t have the slightest clue what the right answer was. I am pretty sure we are going to take this test again later, and hopefully I will do much better than I did this time. 

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