Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Group Presentations

Today in Human Geo we presented our projects on the different religions. Everyone did a great job and know we are almost ready for our test on Friday, but there are still more groups to do. The group that did Islam went first. They told us Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods, and is an Abrahamic religion. The Qur'an is like our Bible. Followers of Islam are called Muslims, who are mostly located in the Middle East. They don’t eat pork. The two other Abrahamic religions are Jews and Christians. It is a belief that God is one, and the purpose is to love and serve him. It is also believed that Islam is the universal version of faith, and was revealed through Abraham, Jesus, and Moses. They believed Jesus was a prophet and the Muhammad was the Savior. Allah is the one and only God who should be worshiped and obeyed and he is absolutely and completely perfect to them. No one shares divinity with Allah. Allah means God in Arabic. They believe humans ARE NOT created in Allah's image. Ritual prayers must be performed five times a day because it is part of the five pillars they follow. Hajj is the pilgrimage which is the process of becoming Islamic. Ihra is a spiritual state of purity and they sacrifice sheep and cut off all their hair to symbolize completion of becoming Islamic. The other group that went didn’t have enough time to finish.

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