Wednesday, October 23, 2013

More Notes

In human geo today we did more noting taking about cultural geography. We are preparing for a quiz on Friday so I tried to take good notes. We started off talking about reasons for spatial divisions, like differences in culture, language, and religion. Nationalism is the belief that your nation is the best in the world. Some other reasons were fertile land, access to fresh water, and access to natural resources. Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe that Jerusalem is their holy land. They are always fighting over it. Spatial divisions are how we separate the area of the earth by establishing social, economic, and political control. Some examples of spatial divisions are countries, states, countys, and so many more. People also form economic alliances like the European Union and OPEC. Some political alliances are NATO, and OAS. Hopefully I do well on my quiz this Friday so I have good grades for the end of the quarter! 

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