Tuesday, October 8, 2013


When we first arrived in Human Geo today we took a test on the video we watched about the Lost Boys. Payton and I, had shadows and Mr. Schick let them go to the cafeteria because class was going to be boring. We learned about population pyramids after we took the test. Population pyramids help us analyze growth or decline of fertility, mortality, and migration in cities. There are 3 basic shapes of population pyramids. The Christmas tree, the box, and the cup. The Christmas tree chart shows developing nations that have slow growth rates, high birth rates, and short life expediencies. An example of this is Namibia Bangladesh. The box chart shows developed nations that have a low infant mortality, slow population growth, and long life expediencies. An example of this is America. The cup chart shows developed nations that have a shrieking population, low birth rates, and long life expediencies. An example of the box chart is Japan. 

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