Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cultural Characteristics

Today we learned about Cultural characteristics today in Human Geo class. These characteristics can divide a region but can also link one. They are the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members. The three major examples of cultural characteristics are language, religion, and ethnic heritage. Arabic unites the Arab world because they all speak it, and Spanish unites the Hispanic world for the same reason. Brazil is the only nation in South America that doesn’t speak Spanish, this divides Brazil from the rest of the continent. Ethnic Heritage also is a part of cultural characteristics. In Yugoslavia many ethnic groups were made into one country. When strong leaderships died out the different groups started a civil war, and now are separate countries. USA has multiple ethnic groups that all get along, unlike Japan and Korea who primarily have one. Religion can be a unifying or disunifying force.  Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the five major religions in the world. Fights broke out about beliefs and the understanding of each religion.

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