Friday, September 27, 2013

No Way!!

We reviewed the questions we answered about the CIA fact book in Thursday’s class. Jevan was the teacher for the day and he sat up front and called on us to answer the questions. Some of the things we learned from the fact book were outrageous, and I would have never guessed were true. Like how Mexico is ranked 3rd for the most airports. I thought it would be some other country that’s huge like, China or India. We also talked about how most of our oil comes from the Middle East and how we need to be careful not to tick them off because we need that oil. Mr. Schick told us an interesting fact about Americans. 90% of Americans can’t locate Syria on a map. They all talk about how we need to get involved, or how we shouldn't get involved, but most of them don’t even know WHERE this is going on. 

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