Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Behind the Swoosh

We watched a 20 minute video, about Nike sweatshops, in class today. The video was about a man named Jim Keady, who was a coach at a very nice catholic high school. He refused to wear Nike products even though his job required him too. The reason he refused to do this was because he thought that people who worked in the sweat shops had unfair labor conditions. They didn’t get paid enough to live a satisfied life. Jim traveled to Indonesia to see what it is like to live like a Nike worker. After only a week there he knew that it was impossible to be able to survive with so little money. Near the end, Jim came back to America and tried to talk some sense into the Nike CEO’s, and managers, but they all denied him. Jim knows that the way these people are living is sickening and he has to do something about it.

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