Friday, September 20, 2013

Test Day

The test we took today took the whole class period. It wasn't a very difficult one but we had to write 3 essays at the end and it basically took up most of the time. When we first started the test everyone was silent but then people started finishing after only 20 minutes. Mr. Schick said that if they had already finished then they obviously have done it wrong, because it is impossible to write three good essays that quickly. I think my essays were pretty good because it took me awhile to write them and they were very detailed. About halfway through the test, Mr. Schick walked over to the door in the corner, which I recently thought was a closet, and opened it up to get some air. Apparently that’s a whole other class. When people started to finish they moved to the back to get on their laptops without bothering anyone. That didn't really work because we bothered people anyway. 


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