Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Last Day

Today's Class was the last class before break for Thanksgiving. I hope the break goes by extremely slowly because I love thanksgiving. The reason I love Thanksgiving is because it is getting ready to enter into the Christmas season. Right after Thanksgiving is over Christmas imminently starts. Christmas music plays, lights are put up, and everyone begins shopping for gifts. I love getting a Christmas tree and decorating it, it’s all part of the Christmas season. So hopefully this year we have an extra-long Christmas break; that would be great. Also I should probably start getting ready for exams. Hopefully the Human Geo exam isn’t too hard because I’m a little scared. I’m going on vacation like right before exams so I really don’t want to have to study there. I literally get back the day before exams, so I’ll probably study before I leave. Let’s hope I don’t bomb these exams like I do every other test.

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