Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Learning About Microfinance

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geo class we learned about Microfinances. Another one of his classes, section 1, made a class PowerPoint about microfinances so we just learned from that. We learned that Microfinance is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services. Giving microloans to people helps them get a kick start to a successful business. The website kiva is a great example of giving microloans. This way it’s not just charity but the loans are paid back. Microloans not only help the person getting the loan but also can help the economy of the village he/she lives in. For example the person can use the loan to buy something that makes his/her business boom but also makes life easier for the people in the village. A good definition of a microloan is when a person lends a small amount of money to a developing business once the business is running good the lender will receive their money back.

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