Friday, December 6, 2013


Today in Human Geo we took a test on Microfinance and Mr. Schick said it was extremely easy. He also said that we would all get a 100% and if we didn’t then we would be sent back down to 6th grade. I agree, it was pretty easy but I think I possibly might have gotten one wrong. It was a complicated and the answer wasn’t obvious. We probably talked about it in class but I probably don’t remember. So Mr. Schick went to check our test and I got 100%, so obviously I got that question right. Let’s hope this will help my grade because I think my exams are going to bring me down. Only because I’m really bad a big exams like that, I always forget everything. So Mr. Schick’s birthday is on Monday and he said he wants to be at school, the second happiest place in the world. Obviously Disney World is the first. 

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