Thursday, November 21, 2013

And the Emmy goes to...

Today in human geo we started off with Mr. Schick showing us an Emmy he “stole” from some guy. We took like a bunch of pictures of it at the beginning of class for some reason. Then he showed us a website called “” and it was about a very famous singer in the 60’s, and at the website there was a video were you could flip channels and it would show you all these different versions of people singing Bob Dylan’s song. Then Mr. Schick let us get in groups and work on a game he had on his blog. Our group did pretty well but it got really confusing towards the end. Reading the instructions was very helpful. The point of the game was to find a way to help the people in the developing countries. Problems like, crops not growing, and water contamination needed to be fixed and it was our job to figure out how to fix them. 

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