Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Urban Geo

Today was our first day back in Human Geo class since break. Today’s class was short due to the 2 hour late bell. We spent the first part of class discussing Mr. Schick’s new mustache, but also talked some about why we had exams before the semester was over. Mr. Schick told us the story behind that and then we continued our class. The remainder of class was spent starting our new lesson, Urban Geography. We will have a 100 point test on urban geography sometime before the semester ends.
-        City: a conglomeration of people/buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics.
-        Urban: the buildup of the central city and the suburban realm- the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city
-        More than half of the Earth's population lives in urban areas around the world.
-        A rural area can become urbanized quite quickly in the modern world. Ex: Shenzhen, China
-        Before urbanization people often clustered in agricultural villages

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