Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Today in Human Geo we watched a video called Guns, Germs, and Steel. It’s about a man named Jared Diamond who is a professor at UCLA. Fun fact he has an obsession with all types of birds. Kind of weird if you ask me. He travels to Popua New Guinea which is an island nation located between Asia and Australia. Mr. Schick said that it was like a paradise for bird lovers because none of the man made things have been built yet so many exotic birds live there. One man from the island ask Jared why white man had so much more cargo than people from his homeland. Cargo is all the stuff you own. We also learned that all great civilization have large population, advanced technology, and well organized work forces. The people who live in New Guinea have a source of food from the sago trees. Which contains a lot of food but it goes bad quickly and it’s a lot of work to harvest them. More notes on the video to come!

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