Thursday, January 16, 2014


Tomorrow we have a test on Urban Geography and also on the video Guns, Germs, and Steel. We finished watching the video today in class and we also reviewed a little. The last part of the video was just about the 14 animals that we learned about yesterday. 13 of them are from Asia, Europe, and North Africa. None of these animals are from Popua New Guinea. We also learned that cows, pigs, sheep, and goats were native to the Middle East and that’s why it was such a thriving place in early civilization. So basically any location that shares the same latitude will have the same climate, length of day, and even weather conditions. Jared Diamond finally found an answer to the guy who asked him why white people have more cargo than them. He said that it is all because of geography. Where you live determines the ability you have to thrive.

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