Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More of the Video

We continued watching the movie in Human Geo. We picked up where we left off but it took Mr. Schick a while to get the video to play so we reviewed for the first like 20 minutes. We learned about geographical luck. For example some people are given better animals and crops depending on where they live and that is geographical luck. Some places are specific with what plants they grow. China produces rice. The Americas produce corn, squash, and beans. Africa produces sargo, millet, and yams. Popua produces sago. We also learned that Good domesticated animals should be able to reproduce within 1-2 years. They have to be herbivores so they don’t have to raise other animals for the carnivores to eat. Jared Diamond narrowed it down to 14 animals that fit the job. They are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, mythos, donkeys, camels (2 kinds), water buffalo, rein deer, llamas, yaks, and cattle. And as Mr. Schick said, Popua has NONE of these animals. 

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