Friday, January 10, 2014


Today in Human Geo we had class first mod. When class started some junior came into our and talk to us about stuff. I’m not even sure who she was or why she was there but she was sort of funny. She prayed with us and then left. Mr. Schick continued with his PowerPoint on Urban Geography and I’m pretty sure he finished up today. We talked about the second revolution of urban geography. All about steel mills and we even brushed up on some things we previously learned. So I guess sometime next week we will take our final test of the semester on what we just learned and then Human Geo will be over. That’s okay thought because I have Mr. Schick next semester for Western Civilization. I probably won’t have the exact same class but that doesn’t really matter. I really liked Human Geo this semester and hopefully West Civ. Is going to be fun too. 

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