Friday, August 30, 2013

Five Ideas to Follow for High School

This is the first week of high school and I need to get off on a good start. In order for me to do this I have come up with five concrete ideas that will help me get the most out of these four years at John Carroll.
1.) Be involved with extracurricular activities at school. Play sports and go to school sponsored events with your friends.
2.) Always know what homework you have and know when everything is due.
3.) Follow the rules of the school to stay out of trouble
4.) Remain focus during classes and don’t get distracted. That way you understand what you’re learning for test and quizzes
5.) Participate during group discussions and ask questions when you don’t understand something. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blogging Problems

Today in Human Geo we spent the first part of the class figuring out why only three people in the entire class could manage to do yesterday’s blog correctly. It turns out that all the other students, including me, did the assignment correctly. The only problem was that all of our emails, which we sent to Mr. Schick, ended up in his junk folder. After we resolved that problem we used the rest of the time in class to redesign our blog pages. Not only did we all change the background of our pages, to give it more color, but we also added links to the blog. One link that we added was the CIA Fact book. CIA stands for Central Intelligence Agency. I’m not really sure what it is yet because we haven’t used it. Even though we have only had two classes of Human Geography so far, I already know that this is going to be one of my favorite subjects.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My First Day of High School

My first day at John Carroll was extremely exciting. When we first got there we went straight to our advisory. I think advisory will be helpful, later in the year, because it gives you time to check your email and finish things before classes. When advisory was over we were sent to different areas around the school to be talked to about things we needed to know for the school year. For example, they talked to us about the rules of the school. Basically, the rules are the same for all schools. After that, we started our first class. Getting to each class on time wasn’t that difficult because only the freshman and sophomores had school, so the halls weren’t that crowded. The real problem was trying to get my locker open. I have never had a locker like that so it took me several tries to open it. The teachers spent most of each class explaining what we would be doing throughout the semester. Luckily, we didn’t have that much homework, but we did have to get a few papers signed. The whole day was very enjoyable and I can’t wait for the rest of my freshman year.